Program > Full Program
ESREF2019 Papers Schedule
Monday, September 23
| Tutorial 1 |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
08:50 | | The Future of Reliability Testing J. Mcpherson McPherson Reliability Consulting LLC |
| Tutorial 3 |
| Room Guillaumet 2 |
08:50 | | Introducing layered dielectrics in solid-state microelectronic devices M. Lanza Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials, Soochow University |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
| Tutorial 2 |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
10:50 | | Reliability of Power Electronic Packaging O. Wittler, A. Middendorf Fraunhofer IZM |
| Tutorial 4 |
| Room Guillaumet 2 |
10:50 | | Methodology of soft error expertise applied for the use of embedded electronic devices in natural radiation environments L. Artola ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | Official opening of ESREF 2019Room Saint-Exupéry |
| Keynote paper 1 |
| Room Saint-Exupéry |
14:20 | | Invited paper Radiation effects in avionics equipment M. Mazurek Airbus |
| Keynote paper 2 |
| Room Saint-Exupéry |
15:00 | | Invited paper Remote failure analysis : a practical example with Microscope Mission J.-R. Meyer CNES |
| Best Paper IRPS |
| Room Saint-Exupéry |
15:40 | | Invited paper Spatio-Temporal Defect Generation Process in Irradiated HfO2 MOS Stacks: Correlated versus Uncorrelated Mechanisms F. Palumbo UIDI-CONICET |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
| Best Paper IPFA |
| Room Saint-Exupéry |
16:20 | | Invited paper Understanding lifetime prediction methodology for In0.53Ga0.47As nFETs under Positive Bias Temperature Instability (PBTI) condition Z. Ji, X. Zhang, J. Zhang Liverpool John Moores University |
| Best Paper ISTFA |
| Room Saint-Exupéry |
16:40 | | Invited paper Power Device Burned Completely – And Now, How to Find the Root Cause? P. Jacob Empa Swiss Fed Labs for Materials Testing and Research |
17:00 | 30th AnniversaryRoom Saint-Exupéry |
17:30 | Exhibtion Opening |
Tuesday, September 24
Session B1 | Semiconductor Failure Mechanism & Reliability from devices to circuits modeling |
| Room Cassiopée |
chairpersons | A. BRAVAIX F. GUARIN |
08:30 | | Invited paper Reliability topics for the qualification of Leading Edge Silicon CMOS Technologies for RF Applications F. Guarin Global Foundries |
09:10 | B1-1 #95 | A Library Based on Deep Neural Networks for Modeling the Degradation of FinFET SRAM Performance Metrics due to Aging R. Zhang, Z. Liu, K. Yang, T. Liu, W. Cai, L. Milor Georgia Institute of Technology |
09:30 | B1-2 #181 | Long term accelerated ageing of an ASIC dedicated to cryptographic application J. Coutet1, E. Doche2, R. Guetard2, A. Janvresse2, S. Lavagne2, P. Lebossé2, A. Pastre2, M. Sarlotte2, C. Moreau3, F. Marc4, F. Bayle5 1Thales SIX GTS France SAS; University of Bordeaux, Laboratory IMS, 2Thales SIX GTS France SAS, 3DGA-MI, 4University of Bordeaux, Laboratory IMS, 5Thales AVS France SAS |
09:50 | B1-3 #227 | Effect of protons located at different region in SiO2 layer on GLPNP transistors degradation J. Yang, H. Li, G. Lv, S. Dong, L. Dong, X. Li Harbin Institute of Technology |
10:10 | B1-4 #48 | Simple method for monitoring the switching activity in memristive cross-point arrays with line resistance effects E. Miranda, A. Morell, J. Muñoz-Gorriz, J. Suñe Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona |
Session F1-1 | Smart-power devices, IGBT, thyristors: Reliability and Failure analysis |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
chairpersons | M. CIAPPA F. IANNUZZO |
09:10 | F1-1-1 #44 | Evaluating IGBT Temperature Evolution during Short Circuit Operations using a TSEP-based Method L. Ceccarelli1, F. Iannuzzo1, R. Wu2 1Aalborg University, 2Vestas Wind Systems A/S |
09:30 | F1-1-2 #74 | Characterization of the Onset of Carrier Multiplication in Power Devices by a Collimated Radioactive Alpha Source M. Ciappa, M. Pocaterra ETH Zurich |
09:50 | F1-1-3 #190 | Resistance change in on-chip aluminum interconnects under cyclic thermo-mechanical stress M. Ritter1, M. Pfost2 1Reutlingen University, 2TU Dortmund University |
10:10 | F1-1-4 #103 | Prognosis of Power MOSFET Resistance Degradation Trend using Artificial Neural Networks Approach K. Pugalenthi1, H. Park2, N. Raghavan1 1Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), 2Hanyang University |
Session I3-1 | Radiation impact on circuits and systems reliability. |
| Room Spot |
chairpersons | S. UZNANSKI J. MEKKI |
09:10 | I3-1-1 #38 | A Probabilistic Analysis Technique for Single Event Transient Sensitivity Evaluation of Phase-Lock-Loops Li Duoli, et all. Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
09:30 | I3-1-2 #47 | Terrestrial Neutron-Induced Single Events in GaN D. Munteanu1, J.-L. Autran2 1CNRS, 2Aix-Marseille University - IM2NP |
09:50 | I3-1-3 #82 | Calculation of Single Event Burnout failure rate for high voltage devices under satellite orbit without fitting parameters M. Sudo, M. Tsukuda, I. Omura Kyushu Institute of Technology |
10:10 | I3-1-4 #123 | Fault Resilient FPGA Design for 28nm ZYNQ SoC based Radiation Protection Instrumentation Fulfilling Safety Integrity Level 2 H. Boukabache, C. Toner, D. Perrin, G. Ducos CERN |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
Session B2 | Semiconductor Failure Mechanism & Reliability for advanced Si technologies |
| Room Cassiopée |
chairpersons | A. BRAVAIX F. GUARIN |
10:50 | B2-1 #159 | Temperature Dependence of TDDB at High Frequency in 28FDSOI M. Arabi1, X. Federspiel1, F. Cacho1, M. Rafik1, A.-P. Nguyen2, X. Garros2, G. Ghibaudo3 1STMicroelectronics, 2CEA-LETI, 3IMEP-LAHC |
11:10 | B2-2 #4 | Channel-length dependence of mechanical stress effect by hybrid shallow trench isolation on NBTI degradation of HfSiON/SiO2 p-channel MOSFETs with strained Si/SiGe channel H. Kim1, G. Roh1, S. Lee2, Y.-K. Kwon3, B. Kang1 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2SK hynix Inc., 3Department of Electronics, Uiduk University |
11:30 | B2-3 #151 | Recovery after Hot-Carrier Injection: Slow versus Fast Traps M. De Jong, C. Salm, J. Schmitz University of Twente |
11:50 | B2-4 #124 | Cobalt and Ruthenium drift in ultra-thin oxides D. Tierno, O. Varela Pedreira, C. Wu, N. Jourdan, L. Kljucar, Z. Tőkei, K. Croes imec |
12:10 | B2-5 #239 | Modulation of radiation resistance by hydrogen soaking and aging treatment in transistors J. Y. Zhao, J. Q. Yang, L. Dong, X. Li Harbin Institute of Technology |
Session F3 | Power Electronic System reliability |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
chairpersons | F. IANNUZZO O. CREPEL |
10:50 | F3-1 #126 | A mission profile-based reliability analysis framework for photovoltaic DC-DC converters W. Van De Sande1, S. Ravyts2, A. Sangwongwanich3, P. Manganiello4, Y. Yang3, F. Blaabjerg3, J. Driesen2, M. Daenen1 1Hasselt University, 2Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 3Aalborg University, 4imec |
11:10 | F3-2 #237 | Impact of temperature on calendar ageing of Lithium-ion battery using incremental capacity analysis M. Maures, Y. Zhang, C. Martin, J.-Y. Delétage, J.-M. Vinassa, O. Briat Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS Bordeaux INP, IMS, UMR 5218 |
11:30 | F3-3 #87 | Impact of the Mission Profile Length in the Lifetime Prediction of PV Inverters A. F. Cupertino1, J. M. Lenz2, E. M. Silveira Brito3, H. A. Pereira4, J. Renes Pinheiro2, S. I. Seleme Jr.3 1CEFET-MG, 2UFSM, 3UFMG, 4UFV |
11:50 | F3-5 #131 | Adaptive dc-link voltage control strategy to increase PV inverter lifetime J. M. Callegari1, A. Cupertino1, V. Ferreira2, E. Brito3, V. Mendes2, H. Pereira4 1CEFET - Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais, 2UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais, 3UFV - Federal University de Viçosa, 4Universidade Federal de Viçosa |
Session I3-2 | Radiation impact on circuits and systems reliability. |
| Room Spot |
chairpersons | S. UZNANSKI J. MEKKI |
10:50 | I3-2-1 #174 | Analysis of neutron sensitivity and data-flow error detection in ARM microprocessors using NEON SIMD extensions A. Lindoso, M. Garcia-Valderas, L. Entrena University Carlos III Madrid |
11:10 | I3-2-2 #188 | Exploring the Limitations of Dataflow SIHFT Techniques in Out-of-Order Superscalar Processors D. Cardoso, R. Tonetto, M. Brandalero, G. Nazar, A. Beck, J. Azambuja Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul |
11:30 | I3-2-3 #214 | Reliability Analysis of NAND-Like Spintronic Memory N. Maciel1, E. Crespo Marques2, L. Naviner3, H. Cai4, J. Yang4 1Telecom Paristech, 2Télécom Paristech, 3Telecom ParisTech, 4National ASIC System Engineering Center, Southeast University |
11:50 | I3-2-4 #221 | Investigation of the Degradations in Power GaN-on-Si MIS-HEMTs subjected to the cumulative γ-ray Irradiation C. Sharma1, N. Modolo1, H.-H. Chen1, Y.-Y. Tseng1, S.-W. Tang1, M. Meneghini2, G. Meneghesso2, E. Zanoni2, R. Singh3, T.-L. Wu1 1National Chiao Tung University, 2University of Padova, 3Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
12:10 | I3-2-5 #247 | Dual-Core Lockstep Enhanced with Redundant MultiThread Support and Control-Flow Error Detection M. Peña-Fernandez1, A. Serrano-Cases2, A. Lindoso3, M. Garcia-Valderas3, L. Entrena3, A. Martinez-Alvarez2, S. Cuenca-Asensi2 1Arquimea Ingenieria, 2University of Alicante, 3University Carlos III Madrid |
12:30 | Lunch |
Session G | Emitters and Detectors Reliability |
| Room Cassiopée |
chairpersons | A. BENSOUSSAN M. VANZI |
14:00 | | Invited paper Generalized framework for assessing the reliability of photonic integrated circuits P. Leisher Freedom Photonics LLC |
14:40 | G-1 #129 | Stability and degradation of AlGaN-based UV-B LEDs: role of doping and semiconductor defects F. Piva1, C. De Santi1, M. Deki2, M. Kushimoto2, H. Amano2, H. Tomozawa3, N. Shibata3, G. Meneghesso1, E. Zanoni1, M. Meneghini1 1Università degli Studi di Padova - Dipartimento Ingegneria dell'Informazione, 2Nagoya University - Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), 3Nikkiso Giken Co. |
15:00 | G-2 #155 | Optical gain in laser diodes with null reflectivity M. Vanzi1, V. Sanna Valle2, Y. Ueno3, A. Rampulla4 1University of Cagliari - DIEE, 2University of Cagliari DIEE, 3Toyohashi University of Technology - Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering, 4Huawei Technologies Italia srl |
15:20 | G-3 #213 | Reliability investigation on CdTe solar cells submitted to Short-Term thermal stress M. Bertoncello1, M. Barbato1, M. Meneghini1, E. Artegiani2, A. Romeo2, G. Meneghesso1 1University of Padova, 2University of Verona |
15:40 | G-4 #215 | Reliability Analysis and Design of a Single Diode Solar Cell Model using Polynomial Chaos and Active Subspace P. L. T. Duong1, Q. Yang2, H. Park3, N. Raghavan1 1Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), 2Zhejiang University, 3Hanyang University |
Session A1 | Quality and Reliability assessment techniques and methods for Devices and Systems |
| Room Spot |
chairpersons | E. MIRANDA N. STOJADINOVIC |
14:40 | A1-1 #142 | Effective and combined stressors from multi-dimensional mission profiles for semiconductor reliability A. Hirler1, A. Alsioufy1, J. Biba1, T. Lehndorff1, H. Lochner2, S. Simon2, T. Sulima1, W. Thomas2, W. Hansch1 1Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2AUDI AG |
15:00 | A1-2 #107 | Degradation Modeling for Reliability Estimation of DC Film Capacitors Subject to Humidity Acceleration S. Zhao1, S. Chen2, H. Wang1 1Aalborg University, 2Northwestern Polytechnical University |
15:20 | A1-3 #183 | Learning-Based Reliability Assessment Method for Detection of Permanent Faults in Clockless Circuits R. Aquino Guazzelli, M. Garay Trindade, L. Fesquet, R. Possamai Bastos Laboratoire TIMA - Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) |
15:40 | A1-4 #184 | Modular Application Relevant Stress Testing for next Generation Power Semiconductors M. Sievers1, M. Glavanovics1, C. Rhinow2, B. Findenig1 1KAI GmbH, 2Infineon Technologies Austria AG |
16:00 | A1-5 #21 | A new method for small sample space components screening: challenges, algorithms and a case-study with Microchip F. Bergeret1, A. Archimbaud1, S. Dalberto2, C. Bonnin2, C. Soual1 1IPPON Innovation, 2Microchip |
Session F1-2 | Smart-power devices, IGBT, thyristors: Reliability and Failure analysis |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
chairpersons | M. CIAPPA I. OMURA |
15:00 | F1-2-1 #62 | Development of fast short-circuit protection system for advanced IGBT M. Ichiki, T. Arimoto, S. Abe, M. Tsukuda, I. Omura Kyushu Institute of Technology |
15:20 | F1-2-2 #115 | Investigation of repetitive short-circuit operation of 1200V IGBTs in the IC -VCE phase space R. Bhojani1, R. Baburske2, M. L. Mysore1, J. Kowalsky1, J. Lutz3, F.-J. Niedernostheide2, H.-J. Schulze4 1Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2Infineon Technologies AG, 3Chemnitz University of Technology, 4Infineon Technologies |
15:40 | F1-2-3 #245 | Reliability Evaluation of Power MOSFETs used for an Initial Charge Method Using Multiple Short-Circuits in Each Leg T. Mannen1, K. Wada2 1Tokyo University of Science, 2Tokyo Metropolitan University |
16:00 | F1-2-4 #195 | Statistical defective subpopulation model for risk analysis: usage case study to compare sensitivity to delamination defect, for automotive semiconductors C. Berges, J. Goxe NXP Semiconductor SAS |
16:20 | Coffee Break |
| Poster Session / Cocktail
Room Caravelle |
16:40 | | See below for detailled programme |
Wednesday, September 25
Session C1 | Progress in Failure Analysis: Defect Detection and Analysis |
| Room Cassiopée |
chairpersons | I. DE WOLF J. GOXE |
08:30 | | Invited paper A completely new scanning electron microscope (SEM) R. Schröder Univ. Heidelberg |
09:10 | C1-1 #193 | Cold temperature power on reset use case M. Van Veenhuizen, D. Looijmans, M. Vogels, M. Van Aalten, P. Van Der Cruijsen, P. Gibas, S. Ersoy NXP Semiconductors |
09:30 | C1-2 #109 | Convolutional neural network (CNNs) based image diagnosis for failure analysis of power devices A. Watanabe, N. Hirose, H. Kim, I. Omura Kyushu Institute of Technology |
09:50 | C1-3 #250 | Using infrared thermal responses for PCBA production tests: Feasibility study N. El Belghiti Alaoui1, A. Cassou2, P. Tounsi2, A. Boyer2, A. Viard1 1ACTIA Automotive, 2LAAS |
10:10 | C1-4 #163 | Quantitative fractography analysis of a chip crack in a Si power MOSFET R. Schneider Infineon Technologies AG |
Session F2-1 | GaN devices reliability |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
chairpersons | F. MORANCHO L. THEOLIER |
09:10 | F2-1-1 #185 | Buffer breakdown in GaN-on-Si HEMTs: a comprehensive study based on a sequential growth experiment M. Borga1, M. Meneghini1, D. Benazzi1, E. Canato1, R. Püsche2, J. Derluyn2, F. Medjdoub3, I. Abid3, G. Meneghesso1, E. Zanoni1 1Department of information engineering, Univerrsity of Padova, 2EpiGaN, 3CNRS |
09:30 | F2-1-2 #167 | Stability and degradation of isolation and surface in Ga2O3 devices C. De Santi1, A. Nardo1, M. H. Wong2, K. Goto3, A. Kuramata4, S. Yamakoshi5, H. Murakami3, Y. Kumagai3, M. Higashiwaki2, G. Meneghesso1, E. Zanoni1, M. Meneghini1 1University of Padova, 2National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 3Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 4Novel Crystal Technology, Inc., 5Tamura Corporation |
09:50 | F2-1-3 #177 | Characterization of charge trapping mechanisms in GaN vertical Fin FETs under positive gate bias M. Ruzzarin1, C. De Santi1, F. Chiocchetta1, M. Sun2, T. Palacios2, E. Zanoni1, G. Meneghesso1, M. Meneghini1 1University of Padova, 2MIT |
10:10 | F2-1-4 #111 | Stress and Recovery Dynamics of Drain Current in GaN HD-GITs Submitted to DC Semi-ON Stress V. Padovan1, C. Koller2, G. Pobegen2, C. Ostermaier3, D. Pogany4 1KAI GmbH, TU Wien, 2KAI GmbH, 3Infineon Technologies Austria AG, 4Institute of Solid State Electronics, TU Wien |
Session A2 | Quality and Reliability assessment techniques and methods for Devices and Systems |
| Room Spot |
chairpersons | E. MIRANDA N. STOJADINOVIC |
09:30 | A2-1 #104 | SREA: a self-recovery effect aware wear-leveling strategy for reliability extension of NAND flash memory D. Wei1, L. Qiao2, M. Hao2, X. Chen2, L. Zhang2 1HIT, 2Harbin Institute of Technology |
09:50 | A2-2 #191 | Gate mapping impact on variability robustness in FinFET technology L. H. Brendler1, A. L. Zimpeck1, C. Meinhardt2, R. Reis1 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina |
10:10 | A2-3 #72 | Storage PoF model of electromagnetic relays based on electrical contact theory W. Guo, G. Fu, B. Wan Beihang University |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
Session C2 | Progress in Failure Analysis: Defect Detection and Analysis |
| Room Cassiopée |
chairpersons | I. DE WOLF G. MURA |
10:50 | C2-1 #16 | High-resolution cross-sectional analysis of the interface between SiC and SiO2 in a MOSFET device via atomic resolution STEM E. Fisslthaler1, G. Haberfehlner2, C. Gspan1, G. Gruber2, W. Grogger2 1Graz Centre for Electron Microscopy, 2Institute |
11:10 | C2-2 #254 | Innovative Approaches to the Invisible Defect on STT-MRAM G. W. Lee Samsung Foundry |
11:30 | C2-3 #19 | Optimization of signal intensity in intermittent contact scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy K. Yamasue, Y. Cho Tohoku University |
11:50 | C2-4 #146 | Failure analysis case studies of floating nets in mixed-signal IC A. Faure, T. Lombardi, J. Goxe NXP |
12:10 | C2-5 #199 | Mechanism of Carbon Particle-Induced Latent Leakage between Metal Lines G. Chang1, W. Qin2, P. Deal2, J. Steinwall2, R. Kabadi2, B. Ruiz2, D. Barrientos2 1ON semiconductor, 2ON Semiconductor |
Session F2-2 | SiC devices reliability |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
chairpersons | M. MENEGHINI L. THEOLIER |
10:50 | F2-2-1 #204 | Impact of Device Aging in the Compact Electro-thermal Modeling of SiC Power MOSFETs L. Ceccarelli, A. S. Bahman, F. Iannuzzo Aalborg University |
11:10 | F2-2-2 #194 | Implications of short-circuit events on power cycling of 1.2-kV/ 20-A SiC MOSFET power modules H. Du1, L. Ceccarelli1, F. Iannuzzo1, P. D. Reigosa2 1Center of Reliable Power Electronics, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2Univesity of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland, Windisch, Switzerland |
11:30 | F2-2-3 #78 | Investigation of the avalanche ruggedness of SiC MPS diodes under repetitive unclamped-inductive-switching stress S. Palanisamy1, M.-K. Ahmmed1, J. Kowalsky1, J. Lutz1, T. Basler2 1Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2Infineon Technologies AG |
11:50 | F2-2-4 #76 | Influence of curvature induced stress on first principle calculation and the reliability of 4H-SiC (0001) thermally grown SiO2 Gate Oxide H. Xu, C. Wan Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
12:10 | F2-2-5 #106 | Circuit-Type modelling of SiC power Mosfet in short-circuit operation including selective fail-to-open and fail-to-short modes competition F. Richardeau, F. Boige Lab. LAPLACE - University of Toulouse - CNRS - INPT |
12:30 | Lunch |
Session D | Reliabililty assessment of RF GaN HEMTs |
| Room Cassiopée |
chairpersons | M. DAMMANN N. MALBERT |
14:00 | | Invited paper Non-Destructive Techniques For Evaluating The Reliability Of High Frequency Active Devices J.-G. Tartarin LAAS CNRS,Université de Toulouse |
14:40 | D-1 #238 | Reliability comparison of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with different carbon doping concentration Z. Gao1, M. Meneghini2, F. Rampazzo2, M. Rzin2, C. De Sandi2, G. Meneghesso2, E. Zanoni2 1DEI_UNIPD, 2Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Università di Padova |
15:00 | D-2 #216 | Effects of Forward Gate Bias Stressing on the Leakage Current of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors Y. Gao1, W. Sasangka1, C. Thompson2, C. L. Gan3 1Low Energy Electronic Systems, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 2Department of Material Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 3School of Material Science and Engineering,Nanyang Technological University |
15:20 | D-3 #232 | Investigation into trapping modes and threshold instabilities of state-of-art commercial GaN HEMTs K. Mukherjee, C. De Santi, M. Rzin, Z. Gao, G. Meneghesso, M. Meneghini, E. Zanoni University of Padova |
15:40 | D-4 #244 | Linearity and robustness evaluation of 150-nm AlN/GaN HEMTs M. Rzin1, M. Meneghini1, F. Rampazzo1, V. Gao Zhan1, C. De Santi1, R. Kabouche2, M. Zegaoui2, F. Medjdoub2, G. Meneghesso1, E. Zanoni3 1University of Padova, 2IEMN, 3DEI-UNIPD |
16:00 | D-5 #108 | A comparative study of nanostructured Silicon-Nitride electrical properties for potential application in RF-MEMS capacitive switches D. Birmpiliotis1, G. Stavrinidis2, M. Koutsoureli1, G. Konstantinidis2, G. Papaioannou1, A. Ziaei3 1University of Athens, 2Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas (FORTH), 3Thales Research & Technology |
Session E1 | Packaging reliability |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
chairpersons | A. GUEDON-GRACIA J. PERRAUD |
14:00 | | Invited paper Packaging reliability R. Rongen NXP Semiconductors |
14:40 | E1-1 #122 | Reliability analysis of sintered Cu joints for SiC power devices under thermal shock condition Y. Gao1, S. Takata1, C. Chen1, S. Nagao1, K. Suganuma1, A. S. Bahman2, F. Iannuzzo2 1Osaka University, 2Aalborg Univerisity |
15:00 | E1-2 #102 | Development of high-strength and superior thermal shock-resistant GaN/DBA die attach structure with Ag sinter joining by thick Ni metallization D. Kim1, C. Chen2, S. Noh1, S.-J. Lee2, Z. Zhang1, Y. Kimoto2, K. Suganuma2 1Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2Osaka University |
15:20 | E1-3 #86 | A new high voltage-H2S single noxious gas reliability test for power modules T. N. Wassermann, O. Schilling, K. Müller, A. Rossin, J. Uhlig Infineon |
15:40 | E1-4 #59 | Implementation of a new thermal path within the structure of inorganic encapsulated power modules S. Behrendt1, R. Eisele1, M. Scheibel2, S. Kaessner3 1FuE-Zentrum FH Kiel GmbH, 2Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, 3Robert Bosch GmbH |
16:00 | E1-5 #14 | Reliability of pressure-free Cu nanoparticle joints for power electronic devices Y. Yamada1, Y. Sano2 1Daido University, 2DIC Corporation |
| Workshop DSM |
14:40 | Room Spot |
16:20 | Coffee Break |
| Workshop ECPE |
16:40 | Room Cassiopée |
| Workshop DSM |
16:40 | Room Spot |
Session E2 | Packaging reliability |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
chairpersons | A. GUEDON-GRACIA J. PERRAUD |
16:40 | E2-1 #119 | Analysis of Electromigration Failure of Nano-Interconnects through a Combination of Modeling and Experimental Methods H. Ceric1, H. Zahedmanesh2, K. Croes2 1Vienna University of Technology, 2imec |
17:00 | E2-2 #196 | Void formation in solder joints under power cycling conditions and its effect on reliability J. Mei1, R. Haug1, S. Hinderberger1, T. Grözinger2, A. Zimmermann3 1Robert Bosch GmbH, 2Hahn-Schickard, 3Universtiy of Stuttgart, Hahn-Schickard |
17:20 | E2-3 #36 | Fretting Wear and Reliability Assessment of Gold-plated Electrical Connectors X. Le1, S. Ling1, Y. Lin1, D. Li1, S. Wu2, G. Zhai1 1Harbin Institute of Technology, 2Hangzhou Aerospace Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. |
17:40 | E2-4 #192 | Impact of anodic bonding on transmission loss in millimetre-wave pressure transducers M. V. De Paolis, J. Philippe, A. Rumeau, A. Coustou, S. Charlot, H. Aubert, P. Pons LAAS-CNRS |
19:00 | Bus shuttle |
19:30 | Gala dinner |
Thursday, September 26
| Workshop Automotive |
08:30 | Room Cassiopée |
| Workshop Packaging |
08:30 | Room Spot |
| Tutorial 5 |
| Room Guillaumet 1 |
08:30 | | Review on failure mechanisms InGaN/GaN MQW LED for public light applications Y. Deshayes IMS University of Bordeaux |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
Session SS | Special Session Space and Aeronautic systems |
| Room Cassiopée |
chairpersons | M. LABRUNEE P. PONS |
10:50 | SS-1 #17 | Stress factors in aircraft electronics: superimpositions, case studies and failure precautions P. Jacob, G. Nicoletti Empa Swiss Fed Labs for Materials Testing and Research |
11:10 | SS-2 #25 | A closed-loop voltage prognosis for lithium-ion batteries under dynamic loads using an improved equivalent circuit model J. Yang1, J. Yu1, D. Tang1, J. Dai2 1Beihang University, 2China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology R&D Center |
11:30 | SS-3 #84 | Combined Ionizing Radiation & Electromagnetic Interference Test Procedure to Achieve Reliable Integrated Circuits F. Vargas1, R. Goerl1, P. Villa2, N. Medina3, N. Added3, M. Da Silva4 1Catholic University - PUCRS, 2Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS, 3University of São Paulo, 4Centro Universitário FEI |
11:50 | SS-4 #127 | Robustness and Reliability Review of Si and SiC FET devices for More-Electric-Aircraft Applications J. Ortiz Gonzalez, R. Wu, S. N. Agbo, O. Alatise The University of Warwick |
12:10 | SS-5 #219 | Reliability evaluation of a 0.25µm SiGe technology for space applications C. Robin, S. Rochette Thales Alenia Space |
12:30 | SS-6 #241 | Radiation-induced Single Event Transient effects during the Reconfiguration Process of SRAM-based FPGAs L. Sterpone, C. De Sio, L. Bozzoli, S. Azimi, B. Du Politecnico di Torino |
12:50 | Lunch |
Session I1-I2 | ESD and EMC |
| Room Cassiopée |
chairpersons | D. POGANY T. DUBOIS |
14:00 | | Invited paper EMC & ESD from the technology to the system (Challenge, Trends, application cases) P. Besse NXP Semiconductors |
14:40 | I1-I2-1 #37 | Effect of TLP rise time on ESD failure modes of collector-base junction of SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors C. Fleury1, D. Pogany2, W. Simbürger3 1CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG, 2Vienna University of Technology, 3Infineon |
15:00 | I1-I2-2 #39 | Topology and design investigation on thin film silicon BIMOS device for ESD protection in FD-SOI technology P. Galy1, L. De Conti2, M. Vinet3, S. Cristoloveanu4, G. Delahaye2, L. Anghel5 1STMicroelectronics, 2STmicroelectronics, 3CEA, 4IMEP, 5TIMA CNRS |
15:20 | I1-I2-3 #235 | System aware ESD clamp design for 802.3bt PD PoE controller G. Vermont, J. Lemahieu ON-Semiconductor |
15:40 | I1-I2-4 #139 | Radiated EMI Evolution of Power SiC MOSFET in a Boost Converter after Short-Circuit Aging Tests D. Shawki1, K. Moncef1, B. Habib1, T. Mohamed2, B. H. S. Jaleleddine3 1ESIGELEC, 2ENISO, 3ENSIO |
16:00 | I1-I2-5 #179 | Destruction analyses of power supplies due to electric pulse G. Mejecaze1, T. Dubois2, L. Curos1, F. Puybaret3, J.-M. Vinassa4 1CEA (Atomic Energy Commission) - IMS Laboratory, 2IMS Laboratory - Univ. Bordeaux, 3CEA (Atomic Energy Commission), 4IMS Laboratory |
| Workshop Wide Band Gap |
14:40 | Room Spot |
16:20 | Coffee Break |
| Workshop Wide Band Gap |
16:40 | Room Spot |
17:40 | Announcement of ESREF 2020 Best Paper Awards Conference closing Room Cassiopée |
Poster Papers
| AP-1 #45 | Reliability analysis of the optimized Y-source inverter with clamping circuit H. Liu, E. Shi, W. Wang Harbin Institute of Technology |
| AP-2 #54 | Optimal Design of Ramp-Stress Accelerated Degradation Tests based on the Wiener Process S.-I. Sung Kyonggi University |
| AP-3 #57 | A 28 nm Full-margin, High-reliability, and Ultra-low-power Consumption Sense Amplifier for STT-MRAM S. Zheng1, J. Bi1, K. Xi2 1Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
| AP-4 #67 | Perspective reliability assessment principles of platinum thermometer based on accelerated tests D. Valis1, Z. Vintr1, M. Forbelská2, J. Leuchter1 1University of Defence, 2Mendel University |
| AP-5 #85 | Hardware-Based Approach to Guarantee Trusted System Boot in Embedded Systems L. Correa, F. Vargas, L. Poehls Catholic University - PUCRS |
| AP-6 #99 | Reliability prediction model of NAND flash memory based on random forest algorithm W. Debao1, L. Qiao2, M. Hao2, L. Zhang2, X. Peng2 1HIT, 2Harbin Institute of Technology |
| AP-7 #100 | A Study on the Reliability of Equipment System through Case-study on the Manufacture of Machinery / Electronic Equipment Using Practical QRM Processor Y. G. Yoon1, S. W. Yoo2, U. H. Jeong1, J. P. Hyung1 1Korea Testing Certification, 2Korea Testing Laboratory |
| AP-8 #143 | Quality and Reliability Optimization Design for Electromagnetic Devices Based on Various Uncertainties and Time-Dependent Sensitivity Analysis X. Ye1, H. Chen1, Y. Wu1, H. Liang2, G. Zhai1 1Harbin Institute Of Technology, |
| AP-9 #153 | Mitigation of process variability effects using decoupling cells A. Lackmann Zimpeck1, C. Meinhardt1, L. Artola2, G. Hubert3, F. Kastensmidt4, R. Reis1 1UFRGS, 2ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab, 3onera, 4Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS |
| AP-10 #225 | High voltage temperature humidity bias test (THB) customized system and methodologies for reliability assessment of power semiconductor devices D. Cimmino1, R. Busca2, S. Ferrero1, F. Pirri1, G. Richieri2, R. Carta2 1Politecnico di Torino, 2Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. |
| BP-1 #10 | Effect of HfSiON thickness on electron trap distributions of HfSiON/SiO2 nMOSFET under PBTI G. Roh1, H. Kim1, S. Lee2, Y. Kwon3, B. Kang1 1Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2SK hynix Inc., 3Department of Electronics, Uiduk University |
| BP-2 #15 | Characterization of Positive Bias Temperature Instability Concerning Interfacial Layer Thickness of HfSiON/SiO2 nMOSFET G. Roh1, H. Kim1, S. Lee2, Y. Kwon3, B. Kang1 1Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2SK hynix Inc., 3Department of Electronics, Uiduk University |
| BP-3 #34 | Effect of oxide-trapped charge on the anomalous drain avalanche hot carrier degradation of a SiO2 dielectric nMOSFET Y. Yun1, J.-H. Seo2, Y.-K. Kwon3, B. Kang1 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2Memory Division, Samsung Electronics, 3Department of Electronics, Uiduk University |
| BP-4 #42 | Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) as integrative method for the investigation of ultra-fast trapping mechanisms on high-k MIM L. Merlo, I. Rossetto, L. Cerati, G. Ghidini, A. Milani, F. Toia, R. Piagge, L. Di Biccari, E. Gevinti, G. Croce, A. Andreini STMicroelectronics |
| BP-5 #91 | Modeling of FinFET SRAM Array Reliability Degradation Due to Electromigration R. Zhang, K. Yang, T. Liu, L. Milor Georgia Institute of Technology |
| BP-6 #96 | Impact of Front-End Wearout Mechanisms on FinFET SRAM Soft Error Rate R. Zhang, Z. Liu, K. Yang, T. Liu, W. Cai, L. Milor Georgia Institute of Technology |
| BP-7 #117 | Study of Out-of-plane Mechanical Stress Impact on Si BJT and Diffusion Resistor Using In-situ Nanoindentation Probing Y. Liu, G. Hiblot, H. Lin, D. Velenis, I. De Wolf imec |
| CP-1 #55 | Novel methodology for real time thermal expansion characterization on ball grid array substrate stack-up materials M. Rovitto, C. M. Villa STMicroelectronics |
| CP-2 #118 | LVI-based Failure Analysis: intermittent scan chain integrity failures, two cases study G. Marcello, A. A. Merassi, M. Medda STMicroelectronics |
| CP-3 #207 | Infrared image correlation for thermal stress analysis of power devices A. Watanabe, Y. Masuda, I. Omura Kyushu Institute of Technology |
| CP-4 #236 | Failure analysis of thermally abused lithium-ion battery cell by microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and acoustic emission J.-Y. Kim1, Z. Wang2, S.-M. Lee2, J.-W. Byeon2 1Seoul National University of Science & Technology, 2Seoul National University of Science and Technology |
| DP-1 #13 | S-Band Pulsed-RF Operating Life test on AlGaN/GaN HEMT devices for Radar application N. Moultif1, O. Latry1, M. Ndiaye2, T. Neveu1, E. Joubert1, C. Moreau3, J.-F. Goupy4 1University of Rouen Normandy, GPM Laboratory- UMR-CNRS 6634, 76800 Saint tienne de Rouvray, France, 2CEVAA Technopole du Madrillet, 76800 Saint tienne de Rouvray, France, 3DGA-MI, BP7 35998 Rennes CEDEX 9, France, 4Thales |
| DP-2 #83 | Investigation of trap induced power drift on 0.15µm GaN technology after aging tests F. Magnier1, B. Lambert1, C. Chang1, N. Labat2, N. Malbert2 1United Monolithic Semiconductors, 2IMS laboratory |
| EP-1 #5 | Copper Electrochemical Migration Growth in an Air HAST S. Oh1, D. Kim1, W. Hong1, K. Kim2, C. Oh1 1Korea Electronic Technology Institute, 2Hoseo University |
| EP-2 #12 | Power Cycling and Temperature Endurance Test of a GaN Switching Cell with Substrate Integrated Chips E. Dechant1, N. Seliger1, R. Kennel2 1Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, 2Technical University of Munich |
| EP-3 #20 | An analytical calculation method of the effect of interconnect layer damage on power cycling lifetime Y. Sato, K. Yamazaki, Y. Uchida, N. Sakai, Y. Ito, H. Kobayashi, S. Soda, K. Nishikawa Mitsubishi Electric corporation |
| EP-5 #58 | Fatigue Reliability Design for Metal Dual Inline Packages under Random Vibration Based on Surface Response Method Y. Su1, G. Fu1, B. Wan1, T. Yu1, W. Zhou2, X. Wang2 1Beihang University, 2CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co., LTD. |
| EP-6 #98 | Effect of polyol synthesis on sintering of microsized Ag particles J. Yeom1, C.-F. Li2, K. Suganuma3 1Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2School of Materials, Sun Yat-sen University, 3Osaka University |
| EP-7 #116 | A Computational study of the effect of bond pad thickness on the polysilicon piezoresistivity due to wafer level probing S. S. Mane1, R. S. Sethu1, L. Bergmann1, M. Erstling1, K. H. Soon2 1X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries AG, 2Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, Malaysia |
| EP-8 #242 | Power GaN FET boards thermal and electromagnetic optimization by FE modeling P. Cova, N. Delmonte, D. Santoro University of Parma |
| F1P-1 #2 | Effects of Power Cycling Test Condition and Test Strategy on Lifetime Estimation of Power Modules in Power Electronic Systems U.-M. Choi1, J.-S. Lee2, F. Blaabjerg3 1Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2Korea Railroad Research Institute, 3Aalborg University |
| F1P-2 #41 | On the use of cosmic muons to assess the local attenuation of terrestrial cosmic neutrons in real-time SEB testing of power devices M. Ciappa, M. Pocaterra ETH Zurich |
| F1P-3 #70 | Peak minimization based gate delay compensation for active current balancing of parallel IGBT system R. N. Tripathi1, M. Tsukuda2, I. Omura1 1Kyushu Institute of Technology, 2Green Electronics Research Institute, Kitakyushu ; Kyushu Institute of Technology |
| F1P-4 #112 | Impact of the Pump-Out-Effect on the thermal long-term behavior of power electronic modules S. Söhl, R. Eisele University of Applied Sciences Kiel |
| F1P-5 #148 | Wear evolution analysis of multiple-bond-wires power modules based on thermo-electro-mechanical FEM simulation M. Jiang1, G. Fu1, M. Fogsgaard2, A. Bahman2, Y. Yang2, F. Iannuzzo2 1Beihang University, 2Aalborg University |
| F1P-6 #256 | SiC MOSFET vs SiC/Si Cascode Short Circuit Robustness Benchmark D. Marroqi1, A. Garrigos1, J. M. Blanes1, F. Gutierrez1, E. Maset2, F. Iannuzzo3 1Industrial Electronics Group (IE-g) Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Spain, 2Instrumentation and Industrial Electronics Laboratory (L.E.I.I.) University of Valencia, Spain, 3Aalborg University |
| F2P-1 #49 | Insights into the Off-State Breakdown Mechanisms in Power GaN HEMTs N. Zagni, F. M. Puglisi, P. Pavan, A. Chini, G. Verzellesi Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia |
| F2P-2 #75 | Degradation indicators of power-GaN-HEMT under switching power-cycling M. A. González-Sentís1, P. Tounsi2, A. Bensoussan3, A. Dufour1 1CNES, 2LAAS, 3IRT Saint exupéry |
| F2P-3 #121 | Degradation Characteristics of SiC Power Devices for DC Circuit Breaker by Repetitive Unclamped Inductive Switching Test M. Sagara1, K. Wada1, S.-I. Nishizawa2 1Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2Kyushu University |
| F2P-4 #152 | Dynamic characterization of SiC and GaN Devices with BTI stresses J. Ortiz Gonzalez1, M. Hedayati2, S. Jahdi2, B. H. Stark2, O. Alatise1 1The University of Warwick, 2University of Bristol |
| F2P-5 #186 | Stress dependent degradation mechanisms on commercially available GaN Normally-Off transistors A. Bensoussan1, O. Perrotin2, T. Grzes2, F. Tilhac2, F. Coccetti1 1IRT Saint Exupery, 2HIREX Engineering |
| F2P-6 #187 | Investigation of the aging of power GaN HEMT under operational switching conditions, impact on the power converters efficiency A. M. Bouchour1, A. El Oualkadi2, P. Dherbécourt3, O. Latry3, A. Echeverri3 1GPM UMR CNRS 6634, LabTIC Normandie Univ, IUT, INSA Rouen, CNRS, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, 2LabTIC - Université Abdelmalek Essaadi Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées, 3GPM UMR CNRS 6634 Normandie Univ, IUT, INSA Rouen, CNRS |
| F2P-7 #246 | Failure Mechanisms of Enhancement Mode GaN Power HEMTs Operated in Short Circuit C. Abbate, G. Busatto, A. Sanseverino, D. Tedesco, F. Velardi DIEI - University of Cassino and Southern Lazio |
| F3P-1 #46 | Reliability evaluation of PV converter based on modified hybrid power control method H. Liu, J. Jiang, H. Wu, W. Wang Harbin Institute of Technology |
| F3P-2 #52 | Reliable Voltage Balancing Control Based on Hybrid Algorithm for Modular Multilevel Converter D. Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
| F3P-3 #71 | Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-ion Batteries of Stratospheric Airship by Model-based Method X. Du, G. Xu, Z. Li Academy of Opto-electronics,Chinese Academy of Sciences |
| F3P-4 #97 | Fault Ride-through Capability of Star-Connected Cascaded Multilevel Converter Based Hybrid Energy Storage System under Unbalanced Grid Failure Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, J. Kong Nanjing university of science and technology |
| F3P-5 #150 | Evaluation of health and safety of mechanically fatigued rechargeable lithium polymer batteries for flexible electronics applications J.-Y. Kim1, K.-T. Yoo1, D.-O. Kim1, M.-H. Lee2, W.-J. Yang3, J.-W. Byeon1 1Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2Korea Testing & Research Institutes, 3Korea Institute of Materials Science |
| F3P-6 #197 | Redundancy Design for Modular Multilevel Converter based STATCOMs J. V. M. Farias1, A. F. Cupertino1, V. D. N. Ferreira2, H. A. Pereira3, S. I. Seleme Jr2 1Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), 2Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), 3Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) |
| F3P-7 #205 | Benchmarking of Capacitor Power Losses Calculation Methods for Wear-Out Failure Prediction in PV Inverters J. M. Lenz1, A. F. Cupertino2, H. A. Pereira3, D. Zhou4, H. Wang4, J. R. Pinheiro1 1UFSM, 2CEFET-MG, 3UFV, 4AAU |
| F3P-8 #137 | Fuzzy Logic based Open-circuit Fault Diagnosis in IGBT for CMLI fed PMSM Drive N. V. P. Kuraku, Y. He Hefei University of Technology |
| GP-1 #6 | Device performances and instabilities of channel engineered amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors J. H. Lee1, Y. H. Park1, J. W. Shin2, W. J. Cho2, J. T. Park1 1Incheon National University, 2Kwangwoon University |
| GP-2 #7 | Effects of electrode materials on the device performances and instabilities in amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors J. W. Choi1, S. H. Park1, C. G. Yu1, W. J. Cho2, J. T. Park1 1Incheon National University, 2Kwangwoon University |
| GP-3 #30 | Analysis of degradation in 25-year-old field-aged crystalline silicon solar cells W. Oh1, S. Bae2, S. Kim2, N. Park3, S.-I. Chan3, H. Choi1, H. Hwang4, D. Kim2 1STECO, 2Korea University, 3Korea Electronic Technology Institute, 4Sung Kyun Kwan University |
| GP-4 #79 | Rapid diagnosis of hot spot failure of crystalline silicon PV module based on I-V curve M. Ma1, H. Liu1, Z. Zhang1, P. Yun2, F. Liu1 1School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology, 2Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. |
| GP-5 #231 | Mitigation of Potential-induced degradation (PID) based on Anti-reflection coating (ARC) structures of PERC solar cells K.-S. Oh1, S. Bae2, K.-J. Lee3, D. Kim2, S.-I. Chan1 1Korea Electronics Technology Institute, 2Korea University, 3Government Policy Coordination, Prime Minister's Secretariat |
| I1P-1 #168 | ESD-Failure of E-mode GaN HEMTs: Role of Device Geometry and Charge Trapping E. Canato1, M. Meneghini1, F. Masin1, A. Barbato1, M. Barbato1, A. Stockman2, A. Banerjee2, P. Moens2, E. Zanoni1, G. Meneghesso1 1University of Padova, 2ON Semiconductor |
| I2P-1 #133 | Interference Source Analysis and EMC Design for All-SiC Power Module in EV Charger Z. Li1, T. Shao1, T. Q. Zheng1, H. Li1, B. Huang2 1Beijing Jiaotong University, 2Global Power Technology Co., Ltd. |
| I3P-1 #35 | SEU Tolerance Improvement in 22 nm UTBB FDSOI SRAM Based on a Simple 8T Hardened Cell C. Cai1, P. Zhao1, L. Xu2, T. Liu1, D. Li1, L. Ke1, Z. He1, J. Liu1 1Institute, 2State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System, Fudan University |
| I3P-2 #43 | Heavy Ion Irradiation Induced Hard Error in MTJ of the MRAM Memory array P. Zhao, T. Liu, C. Cai, D. Li, Q. Ji, Z. He, P. Zhai, Y. Sun, M. Hou, J. Liu Institute |
| I3P-3 #50 | Radiation Reliability Benefit of Area-Optimized Interleaved Flip-Flop Layout in 28 nm Technology S. H. Jeon1, C. Lim1, S. Baeg1, S. Wen2, H. Wang3, L. Chen4 1Hanyang University, 2Cisco Systems Inc, 3Hohai University, 4University of Saskatchewan |
| I3P-4 #56 | The total ionizing dose effects of X-ray irradiation on graphene/Si Schottky diodes with a HfO2 insertion layer Y. Xu1, J. Bi1, Y. Li2 1Institute, 2Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
| I3P-5 #73 | Total ionization dose and single event effects of a commercial stand-alone 4 Mb resistive random access memories (ReRAM) J. Bi, B. Li, K. Xi IMECAS |
| I3P-6 #89 | Dynamic heavy ions SEE testing of NanoXplore radiation hardened SRAM-based FPGA: reliability-performance analysis ÁD. Oliveira1, F. Benevenuti2, L. Benites1, G. Rodrigues1, F. Kastensmidt3, N. Added4, V. Aguiar4, N. Medina4, M. Guazzelli5, L. Antunes Tambara6 1UFRGS, 2Fabio Benevenuti, 3Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, 4University of São Paulo, 5Centro Universitário da FEI, 6Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) |
| I3P-7 #90 | Approximate TMR Based on Successive Approximation and Loop Perforation in Microprocessors G. Rodrigues1, J. Fonseca1, F. Kastensmidt2, V. Pouget3, A. Bosio4 1UFRGS, 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, 3IES - CNRS, 4Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology |
| I3P-8 #120 | Mitigating single event upset method for Zynq MPSoC X. Cui, L. Liu, J. Liang, Y. Peng Harbin Institute of Technology |
| I3P-9 #130 | Radiation Hardening Efficiency of Gate Sizing and Transistor Stacking based on Standard Cells Y. Q. Aguiar1, F. Wrobel1, S. Guagliardo1, J.-L. Autran2, P. Leroux3, F. Saigne1, A. Touboul1, V. Pouget1 1Université de Montpellier - IES/RADIAC, 2Aix-Marseille University, 3University of Leuven - KU Leuven |
| I3P-10 #178 | Degradation of bipolar transistors at high doses obtained at elevated temperature applied during gamma-irradiation A. S. Petrov1, K. I. Tapero1, A. M. Galimov2, G. I. Zebrev3 1Research Institute of Scientific Instruments (RISI), 2JSC MRI Progress, 3National Research Nuclear University MEPhI |
| I3P-11 #208 | Proton and Light ions induced SEU effect in a SOI SRAM with gold plated lid J. Gao1, Q. Zhang2, B. Li1, K. Xi1, B. Li1, C. Wang1, H. Liu1, F. Zhao1, C. Zeng1, J. Luo1, Z. Han3, J. Liu4, G. Guo5 1Key Laboratory of Silicon Device Technology ,Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,China Academy of Space Technology, 3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 5National Innovation Center of Radiation Application, China Institute of Atomic Energy |
| I3P-12 #240 | Modeling and Simulation of SEU in Bulk Si and Ge SRAM S. Moindjie, D. Munteanu, J.-L. Autran IM2NP-CNRS |
| I3P-13 #249 | Single Event Transient Sensitivity Analysis of Different 32nm CMOS Majority Voters Designs I. Oliveira1, R. Schvittz2, P. F. Butzen3 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, 2Universidade Federal de Pelotas, 3FURG - Brazil |